PVC Solid Woven Fire Resistant Conveyor Belting
Belt Type 680S 800S 1000S 1250S 1400S 1600S 1800SFull thickness tensile strength (N) (Equal to or greater than)lengthways 680 800 1000 1250 1400 1600 1800crosswise 265 280 300 350 350 400 400Elongation at breaking(%) (Equal to or greater than)lengthways 15 15 15 15
China Top 5 Factory Tiger 1.5mm White Food Conveyor Belt
90 AshoreWeight1.7kg/m20.6256 lbs./ft.2Force at 1% elongation8N/mm89.58lbs./in.Temperature range-20 to 80°C-4 to 176°FMin. pulley diameter20mm0.787in.Standard roll belt width2000mm78.74in.Max. roll belt width3000mm181.11in.WHY CHOOSE USWe are passion for belting solutions since 2007,from bei
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ISO Certificated Chemical Black Conveyor Belt for Fertilizer Plant
AdhesionTensile StrengthElongation at breakAbrasionCover to PlyCover to PlyPly to PlyOUR WORKSHOPOUR PRODUCTSOUR PACKINGOUR TESTING
25km High Performance Tbm-Purpose Steel Cord Conveyor Belting
Cord Number 500 ±5 39 34 650 ±7 51 44 800 ±8 64 55 50 641000 ±10 81 69 64 81 64 64 64 64 59 55 551200 ±10 97 84 77 97 77 77 77 77 71 66 661400 ±12 114 98 90 114 90 90 90 90 84 78 78