Screw Sdmix Naked 168mm China Concrete Pump Truck Conveyor with CE
Overview Company ProfileMain productsWorkshopExhibitionProduct ParametersdiameterΦ168Φ168Φ168transport rate24t/h24t/h24t/hlength2m,3m,4m,5m6m, 7m8m, 9m,10,11m,12m, 13m, 14mconfiguration parameter1500-5-28-41500-5-38-5.51500-5-38-7.5Packaging & ShippingFAQQ:What is
Fluent Strip Yellow Wheel Aluminum Alloy Slide Rail Roller Track for Pipes
conveyor roller technical parametersNo.Performance projectUnitIndex1Cylindrical radial runoutmm<=0.62Axial displacementmm<=0.53After falling off axial displacementmm<1.24Axial loadKN>155Rotational resistanceN<=2.56Grease TypeHigh quality lithium base grease 27Seal of sprayed watergThe
Product Conveyor Head Pulley & Tail Drum Pulley
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Well Made Customized Top Quality Grooved Lagging Belt Conveyor Pulley Made in China
Cema Conveyor Head Pulley with Xt Bushing
StandardExternal DiameterStandardInner DiameterLength scope ( mm)Bearings Type(Min~Max)mmInmm893 1/360/50170-3400204102476170-3400204 2051084 1/489/76/60170-3400204 2051144 1/289/76170-3400204 205127589170-3400204 2051335 1/489/70/63.5170-3400204 2051405 1/289170-3400204 2051526108/76170-3400204 205
Logistic Line Steel Roller Conveyor/Loading Steel Conveyor Price
Basic Info. Specification diameter 75--150mm
Rubber Lagging Pulley for Belt Conveyor Machinery
It is sometimes necessary or desirable to improve the friction between the conveyor belt and the pulley in order to improve the torque that can be transmitted through a drive pulley.Improved traction over a pulley also assists with the training of the belt.In such cases pulley drum surfaces are 'lag